i Saloni 2015: «плиссированный» мрамор от Захи Хадид

автор: Татьяна Карабанова    |    просмотр: (17102)

Итальянская компания Citco продолжила сотрудничество с Zaha Hadid Architects. Новинки, как и работы Хадид прошлого года, выполнены из мрамора. «В руках» женщины-архитектора, прославившейся текучими формами, твердый материал приобрел мягкость и податливость.

Фото © Daniel-Azoulay

На Salone del Mobile 2015 Citco совместно с Хадид представили настенную панель, серию ваз и несколько вариантов журнальных столиков. На создание настенной панели Заху вдохновил природный рисунок камня. Зеленый оникс, из которого изготовлен этот предмет, преобразован в скульптуру, напоминающую струящийся шелк.

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Cтолики Quad предлагаются в пяти размерах и из четырех видов мрамора. Предметы также визуально схожи с тканью, накинутой на каркас и образующей складки. Этот же эффект «плиссированной» материи передан и в вазах Tau, доступных в пяти вариантах размеров

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo

Фото © Jacopo Spilimbergo





 Citco and Zaha Hadid together again at the Milan Furniture Fair 2015
A new marble panel for the Zaha Hadid Collection

Citco continues its fruitful collaboration with Zaha Hadid once again this year, appearing at the Milan Furniture Fair 2015 with a new marble panel made of Green Onyx which will enhance the limited edition series of walls created from designs by Zaha Hadid Architects.
A project of which only three copies will be built. Genuine stone sculptures playing with the sober shades of green and three-dimensional and chiaroscuro effects.
The panel brings the best out of the company's expertise in making contemporary inlaid surfaces with strong emotional impact. A project of weight which seeks to win the attention of designers, inviting them to introduce elements which are full of expression and are capable of giving character to interiors.

“The composition of the marble panels derives from the complex beauty found in the organisational patterns of the natural world. These fascinating patterns appear when energy combines with geology, developing a geometrical series of repeated cycles of growth and erosion which are layered in the immaculate marble of Citco.
Each piece is a structured composition which begs to be explored, revealing a complexity of form, repetitions and lines which celebrate the detailed process and the fluidity of natural systems: it is a convincing manifesto of the peerless logic and harmony of nature; a journey of discovery into the forces which created them.
This dialogue of geometries establishes a direct relationship between nature and architecture, a natural evolution of the creative language explored thanks to techniques which exploit the innovations in the digital design process and production techniques”.
Zaha Hadid

In recent years the prestigious association between Citco and Zaha Hadid has given rise to extraordinary projects, the result of a fascinating fusion of creative and expressive intents, intrinsic inspirations from the world of nature and the company’s sophisticated expertise in the technological field. Thus the limited edition pieces of the Zaha Hadid Collection have come about: monolithic marble blocks crafted, hollowed, inlaid with the aid of the most avant-garde techniques, thanks to which the visionary designs of a brilliant, eclectic mind take shape and are given substance.
The firm from Verona, specialising in the creation of precious surfaces made of crafted and inlaid marble boldly embody the excellence of design Made in Italy and is preparing to rightfully conquer the interest and attention of an exceptional public.

Copyright photo: Daniel Azoulay


Tau Vases

The Tau vases appear organic; emerging as a series of intricately rendered pleats expressing the formal complexity of natural growth systems. Seemingly as delicate as flower petals, the fragile aesthetic of the vases belies the solidity of their material.

Quad Tables

Created in five sizes and in four different marbles, the Quad table is an exercise in precision. Fanning out from a central void, the marble tabletop flows to its points of grounding in each corner, gathering into subtle folds as it progresses from the horizontal to vertical; its fluid surfaces appear taut and pleated, denying the inherent unmalleability of its structure.

автор: Татьяна Карабанова |  просмотр:(17102)
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